Making a good joke is difficult, 

but making people angry isn't!

As the world's worst entertainer, your role in this particular cafe is to bring customers through the door by any means necessary. Your weapon of choice? Inflicting people with awful jokes!

The more and more you fail to entertain, the more guests you invite to throw tomatoes and other assorted objects at you. Just make sure to keep yourself alive amidst the violent feedback of the audience!


WASD: Movement
Arrow keys: Joke input
Catch pocket watches to catch a breather and prepare a zinger!
Near misses reward you with a short period of slowdown and customer dissatisfaction!


Programming: endgrant and inre-dan
Art: Melnact19
Sound: jeageroni
m5x7 font by Daniel Linssen

This game was made for and is the winner of Mini Jame Gam #34!

Theme: Failure
Special Object:

Updated 13 days ago
Published 16 days ago
PlatformsWindows, HTML5
AuthorsDan, endgrant, Melnact19, jeageroni
GenreAction, Survival
TagsArcade, Bullet Hell, Comedy, Pixel Art


slapstick.exe 93 MB

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